Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Scalp micro pigmentation, also referred to as hair tattoo, is a cosmetic therapy for hair loss and thinning of hair. When a skillful surgeon performs the procedure, the thinning spots on your scalp are undetectable. The scalp micropigmentation technique hides scars and birthmarks and offers the appearance of shaved hair (buzz cut) on bald patients.

Scalp micropigmentation is sometimes mentioned as scalp tattoo; given that hair loss and retrieval, therapy entails using a tattoo tactic. This technique is where tiny permanent ink (cosmetic-grade pigments) dots are injected into the skin, creating a perfect, natural finish from the appearance of the tiny dots. For patients who want to restore baldness with a normal shaved look or those with minimal hair graft donors, scalp micropigmentation is the perfect therapy.

Scalp micropigmentation is not a hair loss treatment; therefore, it does not transpose your natural hair growth or grow hair. This technique is just a method to give the illusion of full, thick hair; as a result, it does not damage your existing hair follicles or cause hair loss. This kind of therapy is best for people who have the following;

  • Birthmarks and scars on their scalp.
  • Alopecia areata is an immunological condition that leads to hair loss.
  • Scalp show-through or thin hair.
  • Hormonal disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) lead to hair loss.
  • Chemotherapy-related hair loss.
  • Receding hairline and male pattern baldness.

Before your provider begins your scalp micropigmentation treatment, you will undergo the following steps which include:

  • Before your appointment, wash your hair and scalp.
  • Upon arrival at the facility, the doctor will mark the spots on the scalp that will require treatment.
  • The technician will draw a hairline based on the shape of your head, facial structure, and age if you have baldness.
  • The doctor will help you choose the suitable ink to match your hair colour.
  • Numbing medicine is applied to the scalp to make you comfortable during the procedure.

During the procedure, small and thin needles inject medical-grade ink into the affected areas of the scalp. The permanent tiny pigment dots vary in depth, size, and angle to give a seamless, natural look. Scalp Micropigmentation takes up to approximately five hours, depending on the size of the area receiving treatment. Treatments (three or more) spaced multiple weeks apart are required for most patients as each treatment enumerates more pigment to give an illusion of thick hair. This procedure has minimal side effects, such as redness on your scalp, but you can cover it with a scarf or hat.

Advantages of Scalp Micropigmentation.

Scalp micropigmentation has outstanding benefits compared to other hair transplant methods, which include:

  • It is a minimally invasive method and does not involve surgery or incisions.
  • The procedure has no downtime; thus, patients can return to normal life after it is done.
  • It is also a low maintenance cost procedure with long-lasting results since the pigments last for multiple years.
  • It is less painful because the needles used in micropigmentation are smaller and thinner.


Micropigmentation and micro blading all fall under the same category but are very different techniques for inserting tiny permanent ink dots. The difference between the two is that micro blading is performed using a manual blade while micropigmentation is done by an electric tattoo machine. The skin under your eyebrows is not as thick as the one on your scalp; thus, more power is required to probe the skin. The results of scalp micropigmentation are satisfying for most people when executed by a skillful doctor.

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