Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024
Drinking two to four cups of coffee

This drink, consumed by nearly 90% of French people on a daily basis, is the subject of many negative ideas. Should you limit your espresso consumption to keep in shape or can you swallow several a day without guilt? The debate seems settled: coffee contains many bioactive compounds that are genuinely beneficial to health, as explained by Astrid Nehlig, emeritus research director at Inserm (Strasbourg) and president of ASIC (Association pour la science et l ‘ coffee information). The author of “Café et santé” (ed. EDP Sciences) also tells us that an espresso contains less caffeine than a filter coffee!

Is coffee our best friend or our worst enemy?

ASTRID NEHLIG. Too many prejudices still persist about coffee. Not only is it not bad for the heart, but it even provides many useful health benefits. It gives a boost to the body and brain without increasing the risk of cardiovascular ailments. Several studies have shown that its moderate consumption is associated with a reduction in mortality from all causes. As coffee is one of the foods richest in antioxidant compounds, it protects against aging and reduces inflammation in the body. An interesting property in an epidemic period . Coffee alone contributes 65% of the total amount of antioxidants swallowed in a day. It thus minimizes the risks of diabetes, heart attacks and
Doesn’t drinking it regularly tire the liver?All Posts

By analyzing the lifestyle and medical history of nearly four million people, European researchers proved last year that coffee is, on the contrary, an ally of the liver: it reduces the risks of hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer. It also slows the development of prostate, breast, uterine and colon cancers. It also prevents Parkinson’s disease and possibly Alzheimer’s disease.

How much to recommend?

Two to four cups of coffee per day can benefit from all its virtues (half less for a pregnant woman). Beyond that, negative effects may occur (nervousness, tachycardia, etc.) due to too much caffeine intake. People sensitive to caffeine should give preference to arabica, as it contains half as much as robusta. And contrary to what we often think, an espresso is not “stronger” than a filter coffee. It provides about 60 mg of caffeine per cup, against 85 to 100 mg for the second.

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